Sunday, September 20, 2009

The List

Ok, so here's my problem. The last two blog entries I wrote are about things in the past. I'm not talking anything negative, but memories that I truly want to remember. I've saved them unpublished. I'm beginning to think the whole "blog" idea is to share stories and events about the present. I have my memories stored deep inside of me. That's where they belong, no need to force everyone to hear/read the same stories they have heard so many times (I'm a story teller by if you are reading this entry there is a 85% chance you have heard the previous unpublished entries that I wrote).

Don't you hate it when you have great ideas and nothing to jot them down on so you won't forget. Well, that's what just happened.

(5 minute pause, seriously...I really need to get a small notebook to carry around)...

And now I remember. I'm going to start a bucket list. There are so many things I want to learn, do and be. Here are three items that have been on my list for many years:

1) Learn to play the guitar- I can't sing, but I can sure as heck read the notes on a page of music. I love the sound of someone strumming the strings of a guitar (you have to be aware my infatuation with Dave Matthews if you are reading this, Sheryl rock, too!). I learned to play the violin in first grade continuing on until I graduated High School. I can play the piano as well, although it has been years since I "tickled the ivorys". It's like a bike, right?

2) Learn sign language- I read the local newspaper on occasion, mostly the sale ads and comic section, but I have also been known to check out the listings for community classes. I have always wanted to participate in the sign language classes held at some of the local hospitals. Why I haven't done so before is beyond me. I will have to learn a second language when I begin work on my doctorate. Russian: out. Spanish: no hablo espanol. German: too hard (not that I'm not up for a challenge) and I'm not fond of their beer. Latin: does anyone really speak Latin? Not only is sign language the obvious choice for my profession, but how much fun would it be to avoid talking to people you haven't met by simply acting like you can sign...skip the acting part, I want to learn how to sign properly. Genius. No offense of course to those who rely on sign language as a means of communication. I just wish I understood what your hands were saying. Now, I will.

3) Learn how to change the oil in my car- Grease monkeys beware, you will no longer get my money if I learn this skilled trade. How hard can it be to put my car up on blocks and get my hands a little dirty??? Not only would this be a money saving option in our household, but it could lead to a little bit of self-worth for a job completed. Sign me up.

There you have it, three of the many things listed on my bucket list. By the way...Mom, (if you're reading this) I would really, really, really like a guitar for my birthday or Christmas. I can't start my list without it.

Hope everyone is healthy, happy and enjoying life!

1 comment:

  1. I love the bucket list...if your school needs someone to translate pig latin, I'm in. BTW...we have a lot of travellin' to do on the extended version of the list.
