Sometimes, I wish my mouth had a backspace or delete button. Scratch that...My mouth needs a backspace or delete button, preferably both.
Let me set up the day I've had before getting to the punchline (like there is such a thing, but it sounds good on paper).
I decided to go back to the gym and work out with my personal trainer after a long hiatus. Upon arriving at the gym, I am informed my personal trainer, Layth, no longer works there. That should be a strong indication of how long it has been since I went to this particular gym. "Ok," I say, "Well, sign me up with someone else." I now have a new personal trainer named Mitchell.
I have thirty minutes to kill until my appointment, so I jump on a treadmill. (Note to reader: I have no idea what "Mitchell" looks like.) I'm cruising along on the treadmill and somebody behind me on the elliptical sounds as if he/she is about to give birth to a small elephant. At this point, I'm not sure whether to look around to investigate the nature of this sound or just ignore it. Of course, I turned around. The dude behind me can't weigh more than 150 pounds, has a red buzzed haircut, and has no idea of the horrendous sounds coming from his mouth (assuming they are emitted from his mouth) due to his little ipod blaring music into his ears. What's a girl to do? I immediately text my friend and tell her I wish I had my video camera. What happened after this is all quite a blur...
I'm scanning the gym looking for my Mitchell to appear when I spot the biggest, baldest guy standing by the desk wearing a red shirt (gym employees wear red shirts, black pants/shorts). Did I mention he was big??? He looked like he could bench press me with his left hand only. It HAS to Mitchell. Now, I'm scared and wondering if this "working out" thing is completely necessary. To make matters worse, elephant boy has positioned himself beside me on a treadmill. I immediately hit stop and head to the bathroom to hide for a little bit.
Once composed, I saunter up to the receptionist desk to find my Mitchell. "Where's Mitchell?" I asked. "Right there," as the receptionist pointed to the personal training station. I glanced around to where she pointed, my bald headed Mitchell nowhere in sight. "Where?" I questioned again. As soon as I said it, the cutest, pocket-sized guy came my way with his hand extended. "I'm Mitchell," he said. Now, not only does the top of Mitchell's head come to my eyebrows, but he's of obvious Vietnamese decent. Based on his stature, one could only assume he is a martial arts expert. JACKPOT!!
We sit down to go over measurements, goals, etc., etc. This is when I wish I had the delete/backspace button. I seriously do not know how or why I say the things I do sometimes.
Me: "Do you have a six pack?"
Mitchell: "Yes"
Me: "Can I see it?"
Mitchell: "No"
Me: "Then you probably don't have one."
Mitchell: Silence
Me: "Nice meeting you, see you Monday at 3."
I sit in my car for the next eleven minutes texting my friend Heather. She finally calls me back and we go over the events of my day. She can not believe I asked him that, and when she puts it like that...I can't either. What is wrong with me??? The frequency of this type of behavior is beginning to worry me.
Heather begins to tell me about this funny comic she read this morning (attached below).

I laughed out loud, she laughed out loud and then I said, "You should be the voice of the pig." Once again, delete, delete, delete. Let me point out there was a period of silence on the phone. I did not mean to say what I said...well, maybe I did, but just not like it came out. I meant to point out that Heather is so funny and says those kinds of things all the time, not that she is fat or pig-like.
I will now be very cautious about the delivery of my comments. I've said enough today to last me for a couple weeks...or at least a few days.